Council and Committees
Congregational Council 2024
Britt Jacobsen: President
Davis Thompson: Vice President
Dori Carlson: Treasurer
Molly Flaten: Secretary
Patty Dahlen
Erin Loewen
Sue Phelps
Larry Gorder
Jordan Hollingsworth
Jenny Holand

Music & Worship
Our music and worship committee plans our Sunday services, special services, and connects with musicians, song leaders, and sound & video techs within the congregation.
Current Members:
Sheryl Kjelland
Lorie Clementson
Sue Phelps
Davis Thompson

Youth & Family
The youth and family committee plans and leads activities for PreK-12th grade and all intergenerational events. They oversee all youth programs and educational activities.
Current Members:
Molly Flaten
Erin Loewen
Sydney Bata
Karin Helmeke
Margaret Borgeson

Property & Grounds
The property committee maintains the church building as well as the parsonage. They oversee all building projects and make sure our building looks welcoming and well kept.
Current Members:
Larry Garder
Eugene Bossert
Mike Helmeke
Jordan Hollingsworth
Britt Jacobson

The outreach and special events committee acts as the bridge between our congregation and the community. They plan special events, receptions for celebrations, and community meals.
Current Members:
Linda Seim
Patty Dahlen
Jenny Holand

The stewardship committee overseas church fundraising and financial concerns of the congregation. The group helps encourage members to give not only of their possesions, but of their time and talents as well.
Current Members:
Dori Carlson
Aaron Kjelland
Patty Dahlen