Affirmation of Baptism
Confirmation at Our Saviour's is provided for all ages over 7th grade, as students feel they are ready to take a step deeper into their faith lives. Students interested in affirming their baptisms and taking on faith promises for themselves are eligible to begin the process of being confirmed. Confirmation is held throughout the year, with classes being announced each "semester" for students to sign up for and participate in. All students must complete, or test out, of all the following topics:
Intro to the Bible
Creation: From Genesis and Beyond
Notable Hebrew Bible Characters: Who, What, When, Where?
The Laws:
From 613 to 10 to 2
The Prophets: Who are they and do they still matter?
From Slavery into Freedom: The Story of God's Chosen People
The Psalms
Jesus and the Gospels
Jesus: From Death to Life
Acts, the Apostles, and the Early Church
Paul's Story and Letters
Revelation & "The End"
Martin Luther and Lutheran History
Martin Luther: His Story
Continued Reformation:
From Luther to ELCA
The 10 Commandments
The Lord's Prayer
The Creeds
Faith for Today
Worship, Liturgy, and "Churchy Words"
Confession and Forgiveness: Is God's Grace for Me?
Holy Communion
Baptism and Affirmation of Baptism
Councils & Committees: Who 'leads' the church?
Spiritual Gifts:
How Can I Serve?
Spiritual Practices: Does Practice Make Perfect?
Death and Dying
In the Image of God: Created to Create
Doubt & Darkness: Where is God in the Struggles?
Confirmation is not just about knowledge, but about growing as a person of faith and preparing to be a full participant in the church. Students preparing to affirm their baptisms are expected to complete the following requirements alongside the regular classes.
Worship Notes
Students are expected to complete a total of 30 worship notes over their confirmation experience.
Service & Stewardship
Students are expected to get involved in our congregation and community to earn service and stewardship points. This helps them see where their gifts might best be used to serve.
Youth Trip
Students are encouraged to attend at least one trip, activity, or project beyond the church walls. This includes a youth trip, mission project, or week of camp.
Faith Statement
Students nearing the completion of the confirmation program will be instructed on how to write a statement of faith, to be read on their confirmation day. This is done alongside the pastor and other faithful adults.
February Homework 2025
Below are the folders of homework for all the February 2025 confirmation classes.
These are all due at the end of the school year.
Councils & Committees
Worksheet & Attendance at February Council Meeting
Duration: 2 hours
Paul & NT Letters
History Worksheet & Bible Reading Assignment
Duration: 2 hours
Spiritual Gifts
"Quiz" and Worksheet
Duration: 30 minutes