Meet Our Staff

Pastor Kayla Hill
Pastor Kayla is a minister of Word and Sacrament, ordained in 2018. She is a native of North Dakota, growing up near Washburn. She has a bachelors degree in Information Technology from the University of Jamestown and a Masters of Divinity from Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa. Her husband, Carter, is a pastor at Grafton Lutheran. Together they have two daughters, Adelaide and Gwendolyn.
Contact Pastor Kayla at

Margaret Borgeson, Office Administrator
Margaret serves Our Saviour's as our part-time office administrator. Margaret handles bulletins and mailings, orders supplies, and manages the odds and ends of the church. She lives outside Park River with her husband, Darryl and their 4 children.
Contact Margaret at

Dori Carlson, Financial Secretary
Dori serves Our Saviour's as our financial secretary. She spends her time budgeting, running financial reports, reconciling our financials, and tracking down receipts. During the week, Dori serves Park River as an optometrist, owning Heartland Eye Care with her husband, Mark.

Molly Flaten, Sunday School Superintendent
Molly serves our congregation by working with our youngest Lutherans. She schedules, plans, and leads our Sunday school and Connect programs for PreK - 8th grade. During the week, Molly can be found at the school as she serves our community in the role of Kindergarten teacher. She lives in Park River with her husband, Myles, and their daughters, Maris and McKenna.

Sheryl Kjelland, Organist
Sheryl has many hats she wears in the community and in our congregation, but she most often serves as our organist and piano player. She is an expert in Lutheran hymnals and can play just about anything you put in front of her. In her free time she serves our WELCA, our music and worship committee, and teaches piano lessons. She lives with her husband, Orville, on their family farm and can often be found surrounded by her grandchildren.